Pets Care

8 out of 10 veterinarians trust animal health insurance for better care – SegurosNews

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By manpreet maan

8 in 10 veterinarians (76%) trust pet health insurance, such as Santévetto promote the medical care of pets, while reducing the risk of non-payment, facilitating the financial relationship with the owner and helping to increase the number of consultations.

This percentage represents and 5% more than last yearand 15% more 3 years ago, according to the study report 'Survey on animal health insurance in Spain 2024' prepared by Bio'sat for Santévet, and carried out on a geographically representative sample of veterinarians.

In this sense, Santévet claims to position itself for the second consecutive year as the #1 Veterinarian Recommended Pet Health Insurance, as well as one of the best-known companies. Today, 2 out of 3 Spanish veterinarians recommend Santévet ​and, when veterinarians compare companies, Santévet is consistently the company with the highest rating.

Santévet improves its conditions for veterinarians

Santévet's animal health insurance recently improved its conditions “to offer an even more complete and accessible service”, with the extension of the age limit for dogs and cats to access insurance health, allowing cats up to 10 years old and most dog breeds up to 7 years old to also enjoy its benefits throughout their lives.

Furthermore, he has increased the total amount reimbursed each year, becoming the highest on the market, and reduces waiting times to guarantee faster and more efficient service.

For veterinary professionals, Santévet offers professional freedom in setting your feesand allows you to carry out all the diagnostic tests that you deem necessary and the choice of the most appropriate treatment to take care of the health of your animals, guaranteeing payment for the services rendered.

Likewise, it allows the professional can transfer his patients to other centers when the health problem requires it, in case of need for additional tests or treatments, thus improving the quality of service and customer satisfaction.

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