
How do I change my Google Account password?

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By parm maan

Google is a service that integrates many applications, which is why it is recommended to have a strong password to protect your account. (Reuters)

Currently, a password is the method that users can use to protect their accounts. Although there are other security methods, keys are the ones that are used frequently and therefore should be changed frequently to protect profiles.

Google is one of the services that integrates the most platforms, so it is very important to update your password by email.Prevent attacks or data theft in apps like Gmail, Drive, Photos, Google Play Store, and Docs.

So below we are going to tell the whole process to change this account password from mobile or computer, a simple process so that any user can do it without any problem.

The recommendation of experts is that the password should be changed every three months on average. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Online security is a constant concern. Poor security practices can expose us to a number of risks, from identity theft to the loss of sensitive personal data. Here are some reasons why you should change your Google password regularly:

  • Data breach protection. If we suspect that your Google credentials have been compromised or if we receive a notification of suspicious account activity, changing your password can prevent unauthorized access to information.
  • Security maintenance. In a world where cybercriminals are constantly developing new tactics to access online accounts, changing your password regularly helps protect your Google Account from potential attacks.
  • Compliance with security best practices. Changing your Google password regularly is a practice recommended by online security experts and can help us protect your overall privacy and security.
Google is a service that integrates many applications, which is why it is recommended to have a strong password to protect your account. (EFE)

If you want to change your Google password from your mobile device, Whether it's an iPhone or an Android phone, the process is relatively simple. Here's how to do it.

  • On Apple devices (iPhone or iPad).
  1. Open the Gmail app on your device or visit
  2. Select a profile or log in if necessary.
  3. Go to “Personal Information” > “Basic Information” > “Password”.
  4. Enter the new password and confirm the change.
  1. Go to Settings > Google > Manage my Google Account.
  2. Select “Security” and then “Password”.
  3. If necessary, sign in to Google and set a new password.
The recommendation of experts is that the password should be changed every three months on average. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

If you prefer to change your Google password from your computer, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to and click Sign in.
  2. Go to the “Security” section and select “Choose a password”.
  3. We can log in again.
  4. Enter the new password following the security recommendations.

When creating a new password for your Google Account, It is important to follow some recommendations in order to guarantee its security and not to risk it being stolen by cybercriminals;

The recommendation of experts is that the password should be changed every three months on average. (Illustrative Image Infobae)
  • Use a combination of letters, numbers and special characters.

A strong password should be complex and difficult to guess. That's why uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters should be combined to increase password security.

  • Avoid using personal data.

Avoid using personal information such as family names, date of birth, or pet names in your password. This information can easily be guessed by malicious people.

  • Change your password regularly.

To keep your Google Account secure, it is recommended that you change your password regularly, at least every three months.

  • Use a password manager.

Consider using a password manager to securely manage and protect your passwords.

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